In 2021, I had the privilege of being interviewed by Justin Bachman from spectrum news. it was such an honor to be able to tell my story and show off a project that meant the world to me. also to to have my business featured on television for so many to see. They came to my little studio
and captured video of me in action and photographing my daughter. We chatted about my experience as a photographer and what it was like working with all the women i had for this prject as well as the story behind it. as we all know 2020 was rough what i didnt know was 2021 was going to be worse.
click here to read the article.
to see our full finished project click the link below to be directed to our facebook video:
I never thought spectrum news would come back for a follow up news report! Check it out below.
to read the article click the link below.
to view the full project click the link below to be directed to our facebook page video: